What To Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

Welcome to a family photoshoot that goes beyond just capturing moments. This is part of your Vancouver Island travel experience! Whether you have already booked a session with me or you are thinking about booking one, this guide will let you know what to expect during your photoshoot and guide you through my process of creating a fun adventure photoshoot for your family amidst the beauty of Vancouver Island.

What is an Adventure Family Photoshoot Anyway?

An adventure family photoshoot doesn't have to involve hiking or any other outdoor sport. The "adventure" comes from locations that have places to explore, things to climb and natural elements to play with. This way your session is fun and exciting and everyone has something to do. This also creates a fun family memory, getting to explore a beautiful Vancouver Island location together. Because the experience is just as important as the photos.

What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

My Style and Approach to Family Photography

I'm not gonna lie, I get really excited about the view! As a nature lover and outdoor enthusiast, I put an emphasis on inviting the landscape into your photos. My style is creating nature-infused images of you and your loved ones set against the stunning backdrop of Vancouver Island.

But here's the real deal – it's not about getting the "perfect" photo. Let's keep it real. Your session is designed to be fun, stress-free, and an amazing time with your loved ones.

My approach to photography is to make you feel as comfortable as possible.  I will guide you into movements where you can be together so that I can capture those natural moments as they unfold. Imagine a movie director setting the scene by artfully composing the frame with the best light and the best view and then letting the actors fill the frame with their own fun adventures. I'll take care of the composition and then let you play and enjoy the moment together. The goal is to help you feel so comfortable that you have fun, laugh, smile your natural beautiful smile, (maybe even dance!) and interact naturally with each other while I take care of capturing those special moments. 

Worried about feeling at ease? No need. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to ensure a relaxed atmosphere. Your photoshoot is not just about the images; it's about how you feel when we capture them. Those feelings will come flooding back every time you look at those photos. That is why creating an enjoyable and fun experience is just as important as the photos.

What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

Tips to Help you Feel Comfortable and Prepared for your Family Photoshoot

Here are a few tips to help you feel comfortable and to help us get those fun family photos you love. I will go over these on the day we meet so that it is fresh in your mind:

  • For the duration of your session look at your loved ones like they are the most hilarious and sweetest  people in the world and smile and laugh at pretty much everything they do!  For real…this will work, I promise!
  • 90% of the time, don’t look at the camera!!  Just interact with each other and play! Don’t worry,  I’ll give you prompts and things to do to keep you busy so don’t worry about that part.  
  • Everything your child does is OK!  If they don’t want to do something I suggest, no problem…we will try something else.  
  • Don’t worry if the kids “misbehave”.  As a former elementary teacher and a mom of two, I’ve seen it all.  Trust me!  I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, the biggest of which is that I let the kids guide the session.  (but let’s keep that a secret amongst the adults shall we!!) 
  • I will give you lots of things to do, but I will sometimes also give you space to be yourselves and do what feels natural to you.  
  • If you are ever unsure what to do, here are some ideas: Get close, touch or kiss someone, hold a hand, run your hands through their hair, caress a cheek, hold an arm, make someone laugh, play, explore…Interactions like this really show the connection between you and your loved one.  When in doubt, just look at someone in your family and smile!! 
  • The experience your family has is just as important as the photos.  Your memories of this day will be tied to them forever so the main goal is that everyone has a great time together.  

What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

What to Bring to Your Session

Since we will be moving around quite a bit during your session, it is best to bring only what you need with you. However, there are some kid essentials that just might make the session go more smoothly if they are brought along. Here are my suggestions:

  • Water and Snacks for the kids. Avoid anything that could possibly stain their clothes, because let’s face it…kids can be messy!  Anything with food dye, chocolate or cheese coating is best avoided.  You know your kids best, but raisins, plain crackers, cheerios and apple slices are great options. 
  • A jacket and mittens to warm up with in the colder months of the year.  We can take warm up breaks if needed to warm up fingers and toes.  I will also bring my west coast styled blankets that are very photogenic for you to snuggle up with! These are usually a toddler favourite as everyone loves getting cozy together!
  •  If you have wallets, keys and phones with you, I will have a bag for you to store them safely during your session so that your pockets are empty and not bulging during your photos.  

If you are wanting tips on what to wear to your session, you can read this blog post that gives styling and wardrobe suggestions specific to different Vancouver Island locations. And if you have already booked your session, you can refer to the illustrated Styling Guide PDF you received at the time of your booking. It's loaded with outfit ideas and colour suggestions that best compliment our west coast landscape.

What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

What Will Happen During your Family Photoshoot

We meet at your beautifully chosen location and start by walking and talking and letting the kids run around a bit. I'll position you within the landscape to capture the best view and the best light. We'll play some games, we'll laugh, we'll get a bit silly (there may be a fart or booger joke or two!). You might choose to kick off your shoes and let loose to play with the kids. It doesn't matter if feet or clothes get a bit dirty! The goal is to have FUN!

There will be moments where I will guide you into movements that best capture your experience and moments of quiet where you can just be yourselves and do what comes naturally as a family enjoying the outdoors together. Some families like a bit more guidance than others, so I will give as much or as little direction as is needed.

If it is a sunset session, I will set out a blanket for you to snuggle up on and you can love on each other with hugs and kisses. We'll "oohh and aahh" over the amazing view and just enjoy the moment of togetherness. This is what is most important to me...having a wonderful experience as a family here on Vancouver Island.

What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

What to Expect After Your Session

After we say goodbye, I will begin the process of editing your photos to bring the story of your time adventuring on Vancouver Island to life. I hand edit each photo to ensure a consistent style. In less than four weeks, you will receive an email with a link to your online gallery of photos. The gallery is password protected to ensure your privacy and includes all of the information you need to download the photos in a variety of file sizes. You have unlimited download rights to the photos and can come back to the gallery as many times as you need to access your photos. Your gallery will be stored on my site for 2 years, giving you plenty of time to ensure you have access to the photos and memories of your day.

What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot
What to Expect During Your Vancouver Island Family Photoshoot

Haven't booked a session yet, but want to start planning one? Click the button below to contact me. Let's get the planning started!